Cross-platform app links
Here are some notes after the recent research into deep linking into the apps. The goal was to launch the app on clicks on links in email. Traditionally, we were using a custom scheme to register the app as a handler for, but this didn’t work quite well. So notes:
Thoughts on present iOS development
Now the time for iOS has come and I’m putting together these notes basing on my recent experience with XCode 6 Beta, Beta 6 and Beta 7.
Constraints aware soft keyboard compensation on iOS
A while ago Apple introduced constraints-based layouts for Mac OS X and iOS user interface designs. It’s a huge and logical step forward from pixel-perfect fully manual laying out of things. The line of devices grows and creating all possible variations of interfaces has become a seriously tedious task.
One piece still missing from the puzzle is the set of tools for proper compensation for the soft keyboard. (It’s when the keyboard slides up from the bottom of the screen.) There’s a good chance that on a non-scrollable page your text fields at the bottom of it will become hidden by the keyboard. At this point you are on your own.