There’s something you should see, or better yet, experience. This morning I came across a fascinating photography project The Light And Land by Bruce Percy that touched me, and touched me deeply.

… image went missing over time …

My first acquaitance with his creative work was on the pages of his podcast which is essentially a smooth slideshow accompanied and narrated by Bruce himself. It was something that I haven’t seen for ages - thoughtful, well-planned, incredibly simple and up to the chase at the same time, that comes to you as a breeze, entertains and makes you tear off your daily routine. It makes you put your life into a different dimension and re-examinate the surrounding carefully, on your own pace.

For impatient, I’m giving the direct podcast link, but still… make sure to check the portfolio section. It’s whole new world that grabs your attention entirely. You will never see it with the same eyes again.
